Video Editor Resume Sample

Video Editors use raw recorded material to created cohesive videos suitable to publish. To do this they must capture video, picture and sound, meet with clients to understand their goals, use editing software, improve audiovisual quality, created drafts and format materials. This position requires a bachelor’s degree in film editing or a related field. Video editors must demonstrate attention to detail, creativity, flexibility, communication skills, knowledge of editing software and the ability to bring abstract ideas to life.

A good resume is well-written and concise. It should be neat and easy to read, listing previous experience in a logical order.

Our resume samples will provide you with multiple examples of what you can include when writing your resume.



The Best Video Editor Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Video Editor resumes for your reference.

Video Editor

  • Assemble recorded raw material into a finished product that’s suitable for broadcasting.
  • The material may include camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics, and a green screen.
  • Collaborated interdepartmentally with C-level executives to created innovative strategies to improve our video department and increase the base by over 20%.
  • Accomplished in terms of creative and technical artwork for a range of clients, including a variety of dance and theater productions.
  • Edited/created over 250 videos for a number of clients, including commercials, viral videos, and an award-winning video series.

Video Editor

  • Read and edited surveillance reports for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
  • Produced videos using Adobe Premiere, based on client needs.
  • Coordinated with inner-office staff to obtain resources requested for client needs, utilizing interpersonal communication.
  • Ensured content was screened for accuracy, and up to client standards based on company policy.
  • Communicated with investigators and case managers regarding missing content, or assignments needing further clarity or information.

Video Editor

  • Video Editor for creation of final masters, versioning content and sound mixing, final compositions for broadcast, and delivery of all media in assigned formats to corporate affiliates and clientele.
  • Responsible for editing assigned projects, Quality Control, and maintaining proper legal standards & practices.
  • Creation of promos for upcoming pay-per-view movies and export of final Transmission Masters to the desired format.
  • Created animated logo animations for two international corporations.
  • Orchestrated an annual live-action short film festival with entry by local and regional students, as well as professional filmmakers.

Video Editor

  • Started out as an apprentice editor and gained the knowledge and experience to work up to the editor.
  • Worked with clients to created polished videos for broadcast, television, and web delivery on tight deadlines.
  • Use color correction, audio mixing, and motion graphics to enhance final deliverables.
  • Operate tape decks for dubs (tape-to-tape and file-to-tape), along with playing out from decks for live feeds.
  • Edited the best-selling DVD series in the history of its genre; multiple awards won for proofreading and content.

Video Editor

  • Effectively edit raw footage received from global partners, and collaborate with Media & Public Affairs Coordinator to created short videos targeted to social media audiences.
  • Aligned with the communications team and Media & Public Affairs Coordinator to increase the visibility of new videos and drive viewers to the company’s video content
  • Proactively find and submit HelpMeSee video productions to relevant websites, festivals, and contests, in addition, to planning and creating relevant audio podcasts.
  • Designed an award-winning website for a local business; work featured on a number of web design blogs.
  • Trained coworkers in advanced video editing, sound mixing, and motion graphics software as team leads.

Video Editor

  • Assembled all raw footage, with camera shots that were recorded all on phone and transferred onto the computer.
  • Input uncut rushes and sound, and synchronize and store them into files on the computer.
  • Reordered fine-tuned the content to ensure the logical sequencing and smooth running of the film/video.
  • Delivered a superior level of customer service at my previous job; recommended by customers to the business owner as an employee of the year two years in a row.
  • Created lifestyle footage for my community that has been used to support charitable causes and events.

Video Editor

  • Produce, shoot, and edit all video content as part of LivePerson’s in-house creative team.
  • Worked through all aspects of creation from development to production, budgeting, location management, and casting.
  • Coordinate productions through hiring freelancers and production companies.
  • Developed a video style guide articulating and defining the look and feel of all video content produced for the company.
  • Won the “Best Visual Effects” award at High School Video Competition.

Video Editor

  • Conversion of videos for appropriate viewing platforms of historical documentary and promo.
  • Utilization of Adobe Premiere and other Creative Cloud software for editing videos.
  • Management of editing library for videos, photography, and graphics.
  • Edited video montages and video trailers for final-year projects.
  • Created mood, design, and narrative effects in music videos and created graphic/storyboard designs for films.

Video Editor

  • Edit 8-10 product videos weekly for’s website and Youtube channel.
  • Editing includes selecting clips, adding music, sound effect design, color correction, and more.
  • Hold solid experience in digital technology and editing software packages.
  • Produced artwork for the website, e-mail campaigns, brochures, brochure inserts, and more.
  • Created artistic imagery to support marketing messages.

Video Editor

  • Worked on multiple successful web series (Gen Why, 5Stages, Insights, Labs), often providing daily turnaround.
  • Edited branded content for ad campaigns and media conferences, for companies such as Coach and DailyMail.
  • Assisted on sets as a videographer, sound recordist, and production assistant.
  • Edited a video for a television station.
  • Created and taught an adult learning course utilizing video.

Video Editor

  • Edits video content for PopSugar Studios to be shown on various social media platforms and their website.
  • Works directly with the producer, design director, and creative director to created editorial content for brands including Benefit Cosmetics, Adidas, and Delta.
  • Color-corrects and mixes sound for the videos.
  • Edited the opening sequence for a documentary film.
  • Created music video for an independent pop band’s album release; scored 14 different videos combining choreography and performance.

Video Editor

  • Edited niche documentary content for a wide audience by broadening the content’s scope and playing on pop culture themes.
  • Ingested raw digital assets and finessed aged video to match newer 16mm film.
  • Adhered to a post-production and finishing workflow and oversaw some QC tasks.
  • Edited a music video for an album release; created, scored, and produced all the graphics, promotions, props, and costumes used in the production of the four-minute promotional piece which was widely aired on MTV.
  • Created a stop-motion animation series using Sony Vegas editing software, special effects, and custom soundtracks recorded by local bands.

Wrap Up

You need to make sure your resume stands out amongst the other candidates. It is the first impression that employers have of your work experience and skills. Use the samples above to put together a resume that best suits your needs and helps you get the job you want.

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