Devops Engineer Resume Sample

A DevOps Engineer is responsible for coding in a company’s computer system. Their duties include gathering resources to develop code, testing code after release, choosing deployment models, monitoring the performance of code, preparing data, analyzing results, communicating with software developers, and troubleshooting. Educational requirements to become a DevOps Engineer are a bachelor’s degree in IT, computer science, or another related field; plus, voluntary certification as a Certified DevOps Engineer. Skills need to be a good DevOps engineer include problem-solving skills, communication skills, ability to develop software, analytical abilities, troubleshooting skills, ability to collaborate, management skills, and attention to detail.

A good resume is well-written and concise. It should be neat and easy to read, listing previous experience in a logical order.

Our resume samples will provide you with multiple examples of what you can include when writing your resume.


The Best Devops Engineer Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Devops Engineer resumes for your reference.

Devops Engineer

  • Used Tortoise SVN to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation.
  • Developed build and deployment scripts using ANT and MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Build servers using AWS: Importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, creating security groups, auto-scaling, load balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connection.
  • Involved in writing complex SQL queries and develop Stored Procedures and functions in SQL server environment.
  • Designed, developed, and deployed automated infrastructure for a web-based application used by over 3,500 customers.

DevOps /AWS Engineer

  • Utilized AWS CloudWatch to monitor the performance environment instances for operational and performance metrics during load testing.
  • Worked on chef server management console and understanding and working knowledge on all different components of chef server, nodes and workstations.
  • Written different cookbooks containing multiple recipes to achieve automation for middleware installation, Environment readiness and deployment activities.
  • Managed a two-week team of developers, software engineers, and operations staff to complete projects on time and within budget.
  • Defined and implemented technical architecture for new code with minimal interruption to existing systems.

AWS / DevOps Engineer

  • Implemented Chef Recipes for deployment of build on internal Data Centre servers. Re-used and modified Chef Recipes to created a deployment directly into Amazon EC2 instances.
  • Created the automated build and deployment process for application, re-engineering setup for better user experience, and leading up to building a continuous integration system.
  • Installed, Configured and Administered Jenkins Continuous Integration Tool.
  • Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process implementation-using Jenkins along with scripts to automate routine jobs.
  • Researched, analyzed, and provided leadership to team members involved in the development of automated infrastructure for large-scale web-based applications.

Cloud DevOps Engineer

  • System log and Cloud Trail collection using Splunk, including Splunk installation, collector configuration and multi indexer setup.
  • Automated installation and configurations of various applications using Ansible.
  • Creating and managing users and groups, installation of packages and services on RedHat Enterprise Linux.
  • Collaborated with management to prioritize resources based on the real-time needs of the business while minimizing risk exposure (i.e., High Availability).
  • Participated in the development of a DevOps toolset to securely service AWS instances.

Senior DevOps Engineer

  • Involved in installation of Configuration Management tool Puppet that includes Puppet Master and Puppet agents and enabling the secure communication between Master and the agents.
  • Involved in provisioning the WebSphere middleware environments using the Puppet.
  • Automated the installation of Websphere Application server, created different profiles, created the JVMs and the required virtual hosts using Puppet.
  • Programmed effective use of continuous integration (CI) tools (Redmine, Jenkins, Saltstack) in DevOps environments while aligning GitHub issues with developer priorities and schedules.
  • Reduced production cost by 10% by creating reports that replaced manual tasks, resulting in less time spent to resolve issues and increased efficiency.

AWS/ Devops Engineer

  • Worked as a DevOps Engineer for a team that involves three different development teams and multiple simultaneous software releases.
  • Configure, monitor and automate Amazon Web Services as well as involved in deploying the content cloud platform on Amazon Web Services using EC2, S3 and EBS.
  • Installation, Configuration and Management of RDBMS and NoSql tools such as DynamoDB.
  • Creating S3 buckets and maintained and utilized the policy management of S3 buckets and Glacier for storage and backup on AWS.
  • Helped improve product functionality and stability, establish automation processes for operations, and streamline development and release times.

DevOps Engineer

  • Managed servers on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform instances using Chef Configuration Management.
  • Installed Workstation, Bootstrapped Nodes, Wrote Recipes and Cookbooks and uploaded them to Chef server.
  • Managed On-site OS/Applications/Services/ Packages using Chef as well as AWS for EC2/S3&ELB with Chef Cookbooks.
  • Created Chef Automation tools and builds, and do an overall process improvement to any manual processes.
  • Cultivated technological expertise in using advanced applications including XenServer, VMware, RedHat Enterprise Linux, and custom software.

DevOps/AWS Engineer

  • Managed network security using Load balancer, Autoscaling, Security groups.
  • Extensively focused on managing existing applications and increasing scalability with AWS Load Balancing (ELB).
  • Setup and build AWS infrastructure with various resources like VPC, EC2, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, and RDS in Cloud Formation JSON templates.
  • Built an online system for tracking support tickets by keyword, customer, technician, and department.
  • Created expansion procedure for adding new multi-million dollar locations to the company’s Ethernet intranet system.

Sr. DevOps Engineer

  • Built features and provided bug fixes for Saltstack’s core open source code Postgresql, Oracle.
  • Configured servers to host Team Foundation Server (TFS) instance, build controllers and build agents.
  • Managed deployment automation using Puppet, M Collective, Hiera, Custom Puppet modules, in Ruby.
  • Managed two development teams to design and implement software components using custom tools, scripts, and automation interfaces developed in Python.
  • Nominated for a highly coveted Oracle developer award.

DevOps Engineer

  • Configured application monitoring tools Splunk and Dynatrace in STAGE and PROD environments of api and monitored application logs on daily basis and monitored PROD performance using New Relic.
  • Generated report on total calls, response time and HTTP errors of api using Splunk queries.
  • Created DEV, TEST, STAGE and PROD pipeline using build tool JENKINS for CI/CD flow.
  • Worked on different deployment process in Open Shift Enterprise Platform such as Docker build method, S2I method (Source to Image).
  • Integrated improvements to the company’s Ethernet connectivity.

Sr. DevOps Engineer

  • Used Chef attributes, Chef templates, Chef recipes, for managing the configurations across various nodes using RUBY.
  • Installed Enterprise Chef Server on Premise/Workstation, Bootstrapped the nodes using knife and automated by testing Chef Recipes/Cookbooks with test-kitchen/chef spec.
  • Installed and configured configuration tool such as Chef Server / workstation and nodes via CLI tools to AWS nodes.
  • Automated the cloud deployments using chef, python (boto & fabric) and AWS Cloud Formation Templates.
  • Contributed to product hacking competitions on a local level.

DevOps Engineer

  • Release Engineer for a team that involved different development teams and multiple simultaneous software releases.
  • Developed build and deployment scripts using MAVEN as build tool and automated the build and deploy processes using Jenkins to move from one environment to other environment.
  • Installed the application AWS EC2 instances and also configured the storage on S3 buckets.
  • Implemented network-based performance testing of Linux server capacity and responsiveness.
  • Created architecture for centralized monitoring of enterprise hardware and software compliance standards.

Wrap Up

You need to make sure your resume stands out amongst the other candidates. It is the first impression that employers have of your work experience and skills. Use the samples above to put together a resume that best suits your needs and helps you get the job you want.

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