Security Guard Resume Sample

Security Guards are responsible for patrolling areas to protect people, equipment, or property. For example, they may patrol the outside of retail stores to prevent theft. Their duties include watching out for intruders, reporting illegal activities, checking locks and locking doors at the end of their shift, questioning suspicious persons, observing security cameras from a centralized location that is monitored by the Security Guard, and inspecting vehicles before entering a restricted area. Some security guards are armed while others are not. To become a security guard, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent and possess good physical health. You may also need to complete training in self-defense and CPR.

A good resume is well-written and concise. It should be neat and easy to read, listing previous experience in a logical order.

Our resume samples will provide you with multiple examples of what you can include when writing your resume.



The Best Security Guard Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Security Guard resumes for your reference.

Security Guard

  • Patrol industrial and commercial premises to prevent and detect signs of intrusion and ensure security of doors, windows, and gates.
  • Monitor and authorize entrance and departure of employees, visitors, and other persons to guard against theft and maintain security of premises.
  • Wrote reports of daily activities and irregularities, such as equipment or property damage, theft, presence of unauthorized persons, or unusual occurrences.
  • Conducted daily patrols to ensure the safety of residents and business owners; assisted residents and business owners in emergency situations.
  • Organized neighborhood watch groups and regularly attended meetings to monitor local crime trends and maintain a positive relationship with neighbors.

Security Guard

  • Patrol industrial and commercial premises to prevent and detect signs of intrusion and ensure security of doors, windows, and gates.
  • Monitor and authorize entrance and departure of employees, visitors, and other persons to guard against theft and maintain security of premises.
  • Wrote reports of daily activities and irregularities, such as equipment or property damage, theft, presence of unauthorized persons, or unusual occurrences.
  • Circulate among visitors, patrons, and employees to preserve order and protect property.
  • Intervened in several criminal matters, obtaining suspect information for delivery to police.

Security Guard

  • Performed scheduled and random checks of designated areas throughout the facility to check for any security breaches.
  • Utilized the company’s guest policies to issue guest passes.
  • Assisted the maintenance staff in securing an area during a maintenance emergency.
  • Collaborate with other members of the corporate security team to ensure that the facility is safe at all times.
  • Maintained daily logs of incidents, suspicious activity, and unusual occurrences to ensure homeowners’ satisfaction; coordinated with security service provider for routine monthly inspections.

Security Guard

  • Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry.
  • Prevents losses and damage by reporting irregularities; informing violators of policy and procedures; restraining trespassers.
  • Completes reports by recording observations, information, occurrences, and surveillance activities; interviewing witnesses; obtaining signatures.
  • Discovered an individual attempting to circumvent locked perimeter gate by hiding in the trunk of a car; reported identity fraud that resulted in arrests and recovery of financial assets.
  • Supervised and mentored the efforts of four security officers; supervised in-house personnel, handled complaints, and attained satisfactory customer reviews.

Security Guard

  • Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry.
  • Prevents losses and damage by reporting irregularities; informing violators of policy and procedures; restraining trespassers.
  • Completes reports by recording observations, information, occurrences, and surveillance activities; interviewing witnesses; obtaining signatures.
  • Captured a shoplifter at Lowe’s Stores; restrained him successfully until law enforcement arrived.
  • Stood guard duty for forty-eight straight hours on occasion to prevent civil unrest from a high profile protest march; publicly commended by the local police chief for superior service.

Security Guard

  • Prevents losses and damage by reporting irregularities; informing violators of policy and procedures; reporting trespassers.
  • Completes reports by recording observations, information, occurrences, and surveillance activities; greeting residents and guests of building; obtaining signatures.
  • Maintains environment by monitoring and setting building and equipment controls.
  • Convinced an armed man to surrender outside of an elementary school without harm to himself or the student body through communication, negotiation, and mentorship.
  • Informed public about the dangerous situation via social media requesting public assistance to locate a lost child.

Security Guard

  • Monitor and authorize entrance and departure of employees, visitors, and other persons to guard against theft and maintain security of premises.
  • Wrote reports of daily activities and irregularities such as equipment or property damage, theft, presence of unauthorized persons, or unusual occurrences.
  • Call police or fire departments in cases of emergency, such as fire or presence of unauthorized persons.
  • Secured the premises of a law department and lobby of a major corporation during annual threatening remarks by a well-known terrorist.
  • Protected public safety by locating illegal immigrant workers during random raids at the factory employing their services.

Security Guard

  • Control Access of Areas and of Materials by administering and enforcing building visitors.
  • Completed and submitted required Security Reports and Activity logs daily.
  • Ensured Safe Care to Clients within corporations that I have had the great opportunity to secure for.
  • Assisted with security procedures to ensure large public holiday events were conducted in an orderly manner, as well as secured the perimeter of private schools which occasionally received bomb threats.
  • Acted in emergency response role when potential arsonist entered school property; chased subject into nearby woods and apprehended with assistance of local law enforcement.

Security Guard

  • Patrolled the facility and surrounding areas of the building and clients dormitories, reporting observations to supervisor.
  • Maintained a secure and functional environment for residents, staff, visitors and volunteers.
  • Maintained daily log book, school attendance, visitor and resident sign -in logs.
  • Maintained emergency response vehicles for quick deployment to remote locations such as hospitals, fire departments, etc.
  • Apprehended shoplifters, vandals, and other criminals who caused a threat to workers and customers.

Security Guard

  • Secures bank premises against illegal entry, fire, theft, vandalism, equipment malfunctions, and medical emergencies by guarding and patrolling the premises.
  • They also prepare shift reports monitoring and documenting all observations and activities.
  • Administer security devices and settings at the Bank facilities; identifies, analyzes, and controls existing and potential safety hazards; and provides security and safety training, support and guidance to all Bank personnel.
  • Used restraint techniques when faced with potential criminal threats; preventing the unnecessary escalation of the situation while enhancing the safety of all patrons.

Security Guard

  • Patrol premises to prevent and detect signs of intrusion or damages and ensure security of doors, windows, and gates.
  • Checked information of persons seeking to enter the property.
  • Maintain all reports and logs with detailed information regarding visitors, intrusions, theft, scheduled maintenance, and damages.
  • Actively pursued training opportunities to increase situational awareness of transportation network security, i.e., airports, bus stations, train stations and highway rest stops.
  • Alerted law enforcement about suspicious behavior as described in the Criminal Intelligence Stratification System (CLASS). The CLASS program was initiated to provide law enforcement with a basis for improved intelligence collection and action on suspected terrorists and terrorist activities.

Security Guard

  • I work mainly at a homeless shelter as a security guard with this company.
  • I maintain a safe perimeter and overall peace while present.
  • I have also worked sites that involve basic patrol during late hours to make sure property is not damaged or stolen.
  • Presented intelligence information at industry conferences benefiting the U.
  • Effectively escorted over 300 citizens to safety during a riot, while protecting property and preventing disaster.

Wrap Up

You need to make sure your resume stands out amongst the other candidates. It is the first impression that employers have of your work experience and skills. Use the samples above to put together a resume that best suits your needs and helps you get the job you want.

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