Scientist Resume Sample

A Research Scientist works in medical fields to find solutions to medical problems. Duties would include designing experiments, conducting experiments, recording data, interpreting data, providing consultation to other company departments, and performing diagnostic tests. Educational requirements are a BS in a biological sciences field, or a related field. Skills needed to perform this job are: being detail oriented, having good people skills, able to multitask, able to provide leadership, be a team player, and have excellent oral and written skills.

A good resume is well-written and concise. It should be neat and easy to read, listing previous experience in a logical order.

Our resume samples will provide you with multiple examples of what you can include when writing your resume.



The Best Scientist Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Scientist resumes for your reference.

Research Scientist

  • Assistant professor at the Laboratory of Immunopathology, vaccinology and molecular genetics.
  • Researched fields: cellular immune responses to Leishmania Parasites.
  • Cellular and molecular investigations of Tunisian patients with Hyper-IgE syndrome.
  • Humoral immune responses to Leishmania major in experimental mouse model.
  • Researched, conducted, and analyzed research projects in health and medicine; developed computer software to enhance clinical studies.

Research Scientist

  • Purified and monitored antibodies produced from CHO cells, supporting in vivo study in mice and cynomolgus monkeys.
  • Developed Elisa assay and flow cytometry based assay, determining antibody binding affinity, providing insightful explanation for in vivo study and ongoing clinical trial.
  • Involved in BAL application of one of the leading antibodies.
  • Collaborated with the medical community to develop effective clinical information systems for diagnosis and treatment of patients.
  • Trained clinical research assistants and laboratory technicians in microbiology, cell biology, molecular biology, and other scientific disciplines.

Research Scientist

  • Co-published peer-reviewed articles including: a seminal study exploring reimbursement for Medicaid immunization services; the first study to identify how health reform impacts access to immunization services; and a case study exploring mandating HPV vaccine for school entry.
  • Responded to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) including government, foundations, and non-profit organizations resulting in a million dollar project to develop an online catalogue of state data related to immunization law/policy.
  • Conducted legal and health policy research including: literature reviews, federal and state law and policy reviews.
  • Performed numerous experiments on a variety of animal species from rabbits to rats to mice; identified proteins that are modified in patients with diseases as a result of mutations or aberrations in their cells.
  • Identified whether genetic changes result in premature aging or accelerated gene mutation that may lead to cancer or other health problems.

Research Scientist

  • Glaciologic investigation of surface debris composition via remote sensing.
  • Developed methods to expand glacier satellite remote sensing mapping of glacier surface dust, ash and debris.
  • Also serve as support scientist on South Pole, Antarctica ice core planning project.
  • Active in education and outreach community, participating in over 4 outreach publications, mentor of graduate student.
  • Demonstrated ability to organize, analyze, formulate and solve problems by developing equations and methods for researching mathematical functions.

Research Scientist

  • Researched scientist and developer on technical projects funded by Air Force Research Lab, Army, etc.
  • Managed the entire life cycles of R&D projects including understanding customers’ needs, proposing winning innovations, designing and developing system architecture, implementing technical prototypes, demonstrating and presenting results, managing project budget and reports.
  • R&D experiences include transport/routing/MAC/Physical layer protocol design, optimization, and experimentation for Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET), next generation wireless networks unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Networks, Airborne Networks, Space Networks.
  • Developed research methodologies based on integral calculus; used statistical analysis to analyze data from experiments testing the effects of thermodynamics and refraction on a variety of properties.
  • Assisted in developing algorithms for personalizing medical treatments by comparing medical records with health indices and clinical results.

Research Scientist

  • Planned, designed and executed experiments to solve problems associated with cocoa, coffee, cashew, and kola.
  • Co-ordinated the activities of Assistant Research Scientists, and Senior Technical Officers in the execution of experiments.
  • Provided technical information to farmers through Department of Agriculture (extension staff).
  • Designed computer programs analyzing a variety of corporate data including sales figures, production totals, employee records, client accounts; professional job journals as well as financial statements.
  • Consulted with financial reporting departments regarding performance analysis and recommending enhancements.

Research Scientist

  • Maintained quality of projects including design, execution, data summary and interpretation, and report preparation /review adherent to GLP and applicable regulations.
  • Developed and executed protocols/studies to support product development from initial feasibility to final product verification / validation, using chemistry and biochemistry and microbiology principles, particularly enzyme kinetics, inorganic and organic chemistry principles and disinfection chemistry, in new product and assay development.
  • Formulated and review of written information to provide current product support.
  • Supervise Biochemistry/Microbiology laboratory Quality control and equipment validation.
  • Reported on environmental pollutants’ negative effects on the growth and development of living organisms.

Research Scientist

  • Optimized PCR and molecular cloning techniques to advance antibody phage display project.
  • Generated RNA probes for detection of amplified genes in human colon cancer by fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) and immunohistochemistry, contributing to advance collaborative research project. (In collaborations with other labs).
  • Identified conditions for growing Biofilms for studying microbial pathogens, contributing to a research grant proposal. (In collaborations with other labs).
  • Supported the team engaged in closing the Institute Research Facilities and clearing of all chemicals, biological, radio-chemicals and equipment in a specified time.
  • Conducted experiments to analyze pesticide contamination in river sediments, soils, and aquatic organisms which might show evidence of toxicity.

Research Scientist

  • Led a cross-functional team of 6 in scoping and execution of a new microbiology program providing scientific research of crude oil remediation, microbial influenced reservoir souring and facility corrosion.
  • Developed annual program prospectus and managed annual budget of $1.79 million; coordinated the design and construction of industry’s only petroleum microbiology laboratory.
  • Managed 3 SharePoint sites by maintaining site functionality, administering accessibility, and providing updates of program documentation and experimental database.
  • Commissioned by Congress to investigate pollution levels in the mid-Atlantic region, determine the extent and sources of pollution, and make recommendations for legislation.
  • Directed a team conducting a nationwide survey of pesticides in foods such as fish, milk, butter; commissioned by Congress to provide information relative to FDA regulation efforts.

Research Scientist

  • Astronomical research in the area of extra-solar planets search and characterization.
  • I developed a project to search for exoplanets transiting bright stars using data collected by one of the instruments on board the NASA STEREO spacecraft – a part of the parameter space not covered by other experiments.
  • Worked with colleagues from STScI and other institutions and a graduate student from JHU on a search for planets orbiting binary stars using Kepler mission data.
  • Served as president of a local environmental group; led community projects to improve the environment.
  • Researched and developed novel technologies to detect and measure the presence of minerals in geological formations leading to the development of innovative drilling methods.

Research Scientist

  • Performed research into areas of image processing, computer vision, and machine learning.
  • Designed industry solicitations for technical proposals and evaluate technical proposals related to research areas.
  • Participate on evaluation committees for university research in above areas.
  • Serve as technical point of contact and contracting officer’s representative on government contracts.
  • Provided a new method to detect chemicals in drinking water; performed research on household chemicals in relation to immune system function.

Research Scientist

  • Developed and wrote SOP for innovative genomic RNA sequencing technologies of single heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) using Illumina next-generation sequencing and Affymetrix microarrays.
  • Project lead for identifying and functionally characterizing novel genes and proteins for the treatment of heart failure using genomic, cell-based and proteomic approaches.
  • Established and coordinated research with collaborators in other Universities (UPENN, TSRI) that lead to a successful publication in professional scientific journal and receive grant award of $10 million from NIH.
  • Supervised daily work activities of two PhD students and two technicians working on related projects.
  • Advised governmental agencies, as well as private companies, on a range of scientific questions including the suitability of products for human consumption.

Wrap Up

You need to make sure your resume stands out amongst the other candidates. It is the first impression that employers have of your work experience and skills. Use the samples above to put together a resume that best suits your needs and helps you get the job you want.

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