TV Production Assistant Resume Sample

Television production assistants can perform a wide array of tasks supporting and organizing the logistics behind arranging every step of the filming process. Their duties include hiring studios and supplies, making travel arrangements, booking accommodation, scheduling budgeting, record keeping, negotiate copyright permissions, complete paperwork, and generally assist the senior production staff during shooting. To get a job as a TV production assistant, work experience is far more important than any formal education, though some TV production assistants do have university degrees in relevant fields like communications or media studies. TV production assistants must demonstrate excellent communication skills, dedication, organization, attention to detail, multi-tasking, administrative skill, and budgeting.

A good resume is well-written and concise. It should be neat and easy to read, listing previous experience in a logical order.

Our resume samples will provide you with multiple examples of what you can include when writing your resume.



The Best TV Production Assistant Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real TV Production Assistant resumes for your reference.

Production Assistant

  • Supporting live remote production logging ENG footage and identifying elements for playback.
  • Editing highlights and feature elements for event production and original programming.
  • Gather show elements by using ENG shoot tapes, feed tapes, and event records.
  • Met a production quota of 5,000 units in a 30-hour period by setting up machinery, including correct threading.
  • Invented a more efficient way to load and unload cargo from trucks by raising the height of the loading dock from three to six feet.

Production Assistant

  • Run teleprompter and ensure correctness and accuracy of script and rundown.
  • Control cameras for pre-set and live shots of on-set talent and guests.
  • Collect and distribute scripts and rundowns to talent and production staff.
  • Achieved outstanding quality award for project production; effectively supervised employees’ actions and ensured adherence to plans and guidelines.
  • Received praise for self-initiated hours in applying the “Safety First” concept to schedule lunch breaks during which an oncoming storm caused all other crews to take longer breaks or return home early.

Production Assistant

  • Responsible for assisting in all aspects of television production including studio preparation, running cameras, and Teleprompters.
  • Operating audio and Chyron for newscasts, shows, and promos, and editing video for newscasts.
  • Required effective communication skills and computer skills for editing and dubbing.
  • Some physical labor, such as lifting equipment and climbing ladders required.
  • Assisted in the direction of stage plays by directing lights and sound, ushering patrons to their seats, and handling props for the opening play of the school year.

Production Assistant

  • Control of cameras, teleprompter, graphics board, and audio board during live newscasts and package recordings.
  • Built-up set pieces for news studio use, including maintenance of existing set pieces.
  • Created graphics through photoshop for use as an “Over The Shoulder” image during a live broadcast.
  • Served as a member of the “B” dance team at college by assisting choreographers with dance routines and choreographing two routines of my own.
  • Coached basketball team to Greater Boston League championship through devoted determination and motivation.

Production Assistant

  • Communicated with the host before the program started to be sure that each part of the program was correct and that we were both on the same page, Assumed many different roles while the program was live, such as camera or jib operator, Xpression Graphics operator, teleprompter operator, Taking question calls for the host and switching video feeds.
  • After the program finished I published the program on YouTube and edited the audio for the radio download.
  • Every single one of these responsibilities was equally important for the show to run smoothly so that the viewer/listener was informed and enjoyed the experience.
  • Coordinated between client and interior design firms during renovations on prestigious homes; established a good rapport with clients through timely responses to their concerns.
  • Oversaw the maintenance of production equipment for PBS station.

Production Assistant

  • Organize shooting schedules to accommodate needs and budget requirements without limiting the creative process.
  • Assisted the production coordinator with administration duties including phone answering, printing scripts, prop and supply delivery assistance, prop and supply inventory listings.
  • Onset production operation assisting; crane & dolly operation, camera operation, lighting operation, audio capture operation.
  • Utilized my knowledge and experience to assist in the video production of a new television show.
  • Initiated/organized two annual on-site events as sponsor coordinator; two years running now, with record attendance at each event.

Production Assistant

  • Independently executed daily project assignments and clerical duties as an office assistant.
  • Successfully maintained film company’s legal contract files and crew member timesheets.
  • Coordinated set-ups and catering with third-party vendors for community special events.
  • Trained new P.As. on how to productively keep track and maintain office and movie set inventory.
  • Volunteered over 200 hours to produce five consecutive award-winning documentary productions; received recognition at International Documentary Festival.

Production Assistant

  • Handle the company’s social media networks and update and advertise news, events, and fashion.
  • Administrative work, such as photocopying, scanning, researching, and handling phone calls as well as setting up meetings/schedules.
  • Take notes during company meetings and distribute notes/files.
  • Assisted as a second photographer or videographer during video shoots or events.
  • Acted as liaison between the production company and community college; secured needed film crew and access to campus facilities for a student project.

Production Assistant

  • Performed quality control of all final promo deliveries to ensure quality, spelling, and tune-in times are accurate and executed on-brand, and that all logs, digital video files, and promo tapes were in line.
  • Maintained constant awareness of network initiatives, showed air dates and times, and deadlines of department deliverables.
  • Screened and logged footage for promo writer-producers, often under deadline.
  • Prepared video logs for the night crew to build compilation video reels and other materials as needed for internal and external use.
  • Assisted in the organization of publications and video productions to facilitate deadlines, budgeting, quality control, and coordination among project team members.

Production Assistant

  • Assisted the Associate Production Manager and the Supervisor in Character Simulation/Crowds, managed calendars, general admin, and maintenance.
  • Took clear and concise notes and distributed them to the studio, resolved any scheduling conflicts with other departments, assisted in running meetings.
  • Read scripts for upcoming movies and planned out Character Simulation/Crowds shot work in each scene, kept artists updated on assignments.
  • Implemented and monitored quality assurance procedures and peer review of video productions.
  • Served as a production assistant in the production of a television series.

Production Assistant

  • Facilitated the Assistant Director in communicating vital information to other departments under pressure and within limited time frames.
  • Managed the personalities and the needs of the cast and hair, makeup, and costume artists to ensure the cast was picture ready in a timely fashion for the Director.
  • Delegated over 200 extras through the process to have the picture ready on set, directed their performances on set for the camera, and was responsible for completing their paperwork at the end of the night.
  • Assisted in the organization of a video production that was nominated for an Emmy award.
  • Nominated for work on a film by providing research assistance on character development, minor scriptwriting, and editing of episodes.

Production Assistant

  • Operated the prompter for live and recorded programming.
  • Managed the studio floor for live and recorded programming.
  • Miscellaneous duties included maintenance and preparation of the studio.
  • Edited topical promos (commercials for syndicated shows) and aided commercial producers with preproduction and production.
  • Realigned the assembly lines to create a more efficient process; eliminated excessive and redundant steps.

Wrap Up

You need to make sure your resume stands out amongst the other candidates. It is the first impression that employers have of your work experience and skills. Use the samples above to put together a resume that best suits your needs and helps you get the job you want.

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